Saturday, July 18, 2009

How To Have Kissable Baby Soft Lips...

A good pair of soft baby lips will greatly attribute to that radiant glow on your big day. Here are some good tips to help you prepare your lips a few weeks in advance. Also learn up some makeup tips to help you achieve that kissable lips.

Exfoliating and Lip Care

Apply on your lips generously with Vaseline and let it soak on your lips for full 5 minutes. Purse your lips every minute to speed up the softening.

Gently wipe off the excess Vaseline away from your lips.

Brush your lips gently using a baby toothbrush with a little face wash or face cleanser in small circular motion. This massaging effect will help remove dead skin and stimulate blood circulation to plump them naturally. Remember to massage around the lip line area too. Rince with warm water.

Then, dry your lips and apply a thin layer of Vaseline to keep them moist. This will prevent cracking.

Do this every alternate days to maintain the softness of your lips.

Makeup Tricks to a Plumper Sexy Lips

A moisturized lips is a good canvas to begin with. Follow the steps above for a week or two before your big day. That way, any peelings or bruises should heal by now.

When applying foundation, cover your lip line a little. Powder very lightly over your lips.

Select a lip pencil that is closest to your natural lip color, slightly brighter than your lips. Lightly trace the outline of your lips. when you reach the heart shaped arch at the centre of your lips, instead of drawing a sharp edge, soften the edge with rounder shape. Use Q-tip to lightly soften the line so that it doesn't look harsh and artificial.

Fill your lips with a lip color of your choice, preferably creamy lip color.

Now the tricky part is here. Get a lip color of the same color with 2 shades lighter. Fill up the centre of your lip area, both upper lip and lower lip. Blend the colors well so that you will not see the two separate colors.

Finish off with a high gloss with shimmers to give you the full, plump and juicy lips.

More tips on lip care...

avoid licking your lips every now and then. Saliva will dry your lips more than it can help you smoothen. Becoming more aware of this habit can help you stop.

drink lots of water! It helps hydrates the lips (and skin in general, for that matter.)

to create the appearance of fuller lips, use a teeth whitener to create a dazzling white smile. White makes things look larger and stands out to attract.

use highlighter lightly brushed at your T-Zone area and cheekbone area, will give the illusion of youthful baby look.

practice lip pouting in front of mirror, when nobody is looking.

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