Friday, July 3, 2009

Chinese Tradition of Tea Ceremony

In this modern times, the tea ceremony has become the most significant event everyone (including the old relatives) is looking forward to. The bride and groom are formally introduced to each other's family through the tea ceremony, which is carried through on the wedding day itself.

Normally, tea is boiled with dried longan, lotus seeds, red dates and is lightly sweetened. Lotus seeds and two red dates are used in the tea for two reasons. First, the words “lotus” and “year,” “seed” and “child,” and “date” and “early,” are homophones, i.e. they have the same sound but different meanings in Chinese. Secondly, the ancient Chinese believed that putting these items in the tea would help the newlyweds produce children early in their marriage and every year, which would ensure many grandchildren for their parents. Also, the sweetness of the special tea is a wish for sweet relations between the bride and her new family.

Serving the Tea:

On the wedding day, the bride serves tea (holding the teacup with both hands) to her parents at home before the groom arrives. She does this as a gesture of respect and to thank her parents for raising her. The tea at this time does not need to have the lotus seeds or dates. She pours and serves the tea before the groom arrives. During this time, the parents usually gives her their precious advice preparing her into her new life. Most often, this may get a little emotional.

Traditionally, after picking up the bride from her parents and the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds serve tea (holding the teacups with both hands), inviting the groom's elders to drink tea by addressing them by formal title, e.g. first uncle or third aunt.

The general rule is to have the woman on the left side and the man on the right side. The people being served will sit in chairs, while the bride and groom kneel. For example, when the newlyweds serve tea to the groom’s parents, the bride would kneel in front of her father-in-law, while the groom would kneels in front of his mother.

The newlyweds serve tea in order, starting with the groom’s parents then proceeding from the oldest family members to the youngest, e.g. the groom’s parents, then his paternal grandparents, then his maternal grandparents, then his oldest uncles and aunts, and all the way to his older brother.

For more information about Chinese Traditional Wedding, visit, a website dedicated to preserving chinese wedding customs and culture.

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