Thursday, April 18, 2013

Writing you own Wedding Vow

A friend of mine, Laverne Chee is the founder of The Wedding Project, lashes out a piece of good idea to make your big day, a special day to remember for life ...

Penning your own wedding vows is no easy task — it’s like writing poetry, public speaking and having the deepest conversation of your life all at once. Putting your promises on paper is an emotional, eye-opening and often extremely memorable experience. Up for the challenge? Here’s the homework you need to do (and the questions you should ask) to make your vows perfect.
   Get Clearance
Make sure your ceremony officiant will actually allow personalized vows. Certain celebrants and houses of worship may require you to recite a specific set of traditional vows. And remember: Even some of the most accommodating officiants will want to review your words in advance.
   Start Early
We can’t say this enough: Don’t leave writing your vows until the day before the wedding! You’ll be too nervous, excited and rattled to give them the time and thought they deserve. Give yourselves at least a month, or work on your vows in that pocket of time after you’ve set up all your major vendors and before you have to start thinking about the details. Vow writing should be done in a relaxed, not rushed, frame of mind. Some loose deadlines to aim for: Try to get a first draft together about three weeks before the wedding and have your final version completed at least two days out.
   Look to Tradition
To get inspired, start by reading traditional, by-the-book vows — from your own religion, if you practice a certain faith, but others, as well — to see what strikes a chord with you. You can incorporate these into the original words you write, or simply use them as a jumping-off point to base your personalized vows on.
   Set the Tone
Before putting pen to paper, decide what overall tone you want to achieve. Humorous but touching? Poetic and romantic? It’s your call — the most important thing is that your vows ring true and sound like they’re from your heart. One word of advice: While your vows can be lighthearted (or even hilarious), they should, in some way, acknowledge the seriousness of the commitment you’re about to make. One way to do that is to weave little jokes into traditional vows (for example: “I promise to love you, cherish you and always watch Monday Night Football with you”).
   Figure Out the Logistics
Make sure you and your fiance are both on the same page. Are you each going to write your own vows, or will you write them together? If you’re writing them separately, will you want to run them by each other before the wedding? If you’re writing them together, will they be completely different for each of you, or will you recite some of the same words and make the same promises to each other, as you would with traditional vows? If you want them to be a surprise on your wedding day, make sure you both send a copy of what you’ve written to your officiant or to one friend or family member so they can check that your vows are about the same length and similar in tone.
   Make a Vow Date
When it’s time to come up with the actual content of your vows, go out to dinner or set aside an evening at home to brainstorm. Talk about your relationship and what marriage means to each of you. Discuss what you expect from each other and the relationship. What are you most looking forward to about married life? Why did you decide to get married? What hard times have you gone through together? What have you supported each other through? What challenges do you envision in your future? What do you want to accomplish together? What makes your relationship tick? Answering these questions will help you make and keep your promises, and talking about your bond may expose your inner Wordsworth and help you come up with phrases and stories you can incorporate into your vows. 
   Schedule Some Alone Time
After chatting with your future spouse, take some self-reflection time to think about how you feel about your partner. What did you think when you first saw them? When did you realize you were in love? What do you most respect about your partner? How has your life gotten better since meeting your mate? What about them inspires you? What do you miss most about them when you’re apart? What qualities do you most admire in each other? What do you have now that you didn’t have before you met? You may be surprised how these answers may lead you to the perfect words.
   Steal Ideas
Borrow freely from poetry, books, religious and spiritual texts — even from romantic movies. Jot down words and phrases that capture your feelings. Widely recognized works ring true for a reason.
   Create an Outline
An outline can get you started by helping to establish a structure. For example, plan to first talk about how great your fiance is and then about how you work together as a couple; pause to quote your favorite writer and then go into your promises to each other.
   Remember Your Audience
Don’t make your vows so personal that they’re cryptic — or embarrassing! You’ve invited your family and friends to witness your vows in order to make your bond public, so be sure everyone feels included in the moment. That means putting a limit on inside jokes, deeply personal anecdotes and obscure nicknames or code words. 
   Time It Right
Don’t make them too long — aim for about one minute or so (it’s longer than it sounds!). Your vows are the most important element of your ceremony, but that doesn’t mean they should go on for hours. Get at the heart of what marrying this person means to you with your vows; pick the most important points and make them well. Save some thoughts for the reception toasts — and for the wedding night.
   Practice Out Loud (Seriously!)
These are words meant to be heard by a live audience, so check that they sound good when spoken. Read your vows out loud to make sure they flow easily. Watch out for tongue twisters and super-long sentences — you don’t want to get out of breath or stumble.

Laverne is ready to help couples plan their wedding and make them memorable. Get in touch with her for more information,

Friday, January 18, 2013


I have often receive many questions about how to apply blush the correct way. Blushing is an easy technique which requires lots of practice. Here are a few tips to bear in mind when applying blusher :

Set that foundation right and powder your skin. In order for any colors to look great on skin, learn the technique of flawless skin to begin with. Powder will set the right texture on skin so that blusher will not appear blotchy.

Get a big, fluffy and rounded brush. The bigger and fluffier, the better. Do not use the same brush for face.

That's how you find out the apple of your cheek, that is where blusher is supposed to be.

It will add years to your age and makes you look haggard.

For dull skin, look for shimmery bright color
For small face, look for shimmery bright color
For big face, look for matte and down to earth colors
For fair skin, you can choose any color of your choice, matte or shine
For dark skin, look for shimmery bright colors

Pick the colors with your brush little by little.  Once you have picked the colors, lightly tap your cheekbone a few times...

Like as if you are polishing an apple, swirl your brush in circular motions from small to big, the swift to your hairline near your ear.

Start with a light application and go heavier as you need it. I would suggest that you go layers by layers to avoid mistake.

This action is to diffuse the blusher so that it will look natural. Finally, check your blush in natural light, rather than fluorescent.

Bronzer can be an alternative, to give that sun-kissed cheeks.

For more makeup techniques, write to us at

Friday, December 7, 2012

How To Boost Your Confidence !

I find that simple ways like these makes a lot of difference to our confidence. There is no need to have such huge investment, it all begins with our heart of wanting to carry ourselves better.

Let's watch this video clip together and practice relearning always till it becomes our habit. Bring it on...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love the Spring and Romantic colours? Purples, greens and pinks? And yet don’t know how to use them?

We have a special workshop to teach you how to look fabulous this coming Valentine. Promotion for the whole month of February 2012, sign up for a Personal Makeup Workshop for Spring Romantic Makeup Style at only RM90 per pax or RM200 for a group of 3 pax.

This is a 3-hour workshop where you will learn basic skin care, how to apply foundation and look natural, step-by-step makeup application, how to put fake lashes, etc. We will provide makeup planner and notes, makeup brushes, cosmetics and mirrors.

Call  010-2002280 to book your appointment today or email to

Website :

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Passionate Love Tips

Looking for some great ideas to jazz up your first night as a married couple? Here is some common passionate love making tips that almost any couple can use (remember to add some spice for a night to remember) :

Passionate Love Tip # 1
Appreciate each other. You cannot have passionate sex with anyone that you cannot stand the sight of. Compliment your partner on a daily basis for little things. Men should tell women that they like their new hairstyle or pair of shoes. Women should tell men that they look good or that they have lost a few pounds off that fat tire. After all, who would want to sleep with someone if they are not sure if their partner is attracted to them?

Passionate Love Tip # 2
Smooth and scented skin suggests to your partner that you are in a great mood for love making. Spend some time to have your me-time to pamper yourself.

Passionate Love Tip # 3
Surprise your significant other. If your wife is cooking breakfast one morning, come up behind her and slowly begin nibbling her earlobe. This sudden, unexpected affection can make your loving making experience as wonderful as ever. Women can do this too. If your husband is watching a sports event on TV, sit down beside him and begin rubbing his thigh slowly. He will quickly forget that it is second and three to go, and will turn his attention towards you.

Passionate Love Tip # 4
Set the mood. Lighting scented candles around your bedroom can be a very easy way of setting the mood. Also, put on some passionate love music. Bring in a bottle of champagne with two slim glasses. You can also bring fruit into the bedroom to help arouse partners (try a bowl of cherries or chocolate covered strawberries). If you don't have fruit on hand, try just plain chocolate, nature's aphrodisiac.

Passionate Love Tip # 5
Plan your lingerie. Get a lingerie that sets your mood to being a sexy seductress. Peek-a-boo see-through babydolls works well as it plays your partner's mind to what is behind that dress. In matter of time, he can't wait to strip you to confirm his images. Plan your strip tease dance. Learn that dance moves to gyrate your body together with the sexy music.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dark Circles and Puffy Eye Bag Rescue

Ever thought how things we can easily get from our kitchen can help solve our beauty problems? Here is the trick, as given from my great-grandmother.

Put a smooth metal spoon in a glass of ice-cube water to chill for a few seconds. Take it out and roll over your under eye area gently with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again. Then repeat the steps a few times.

Not only this will solve your problem, you will have fresh dewy eyes just within few seconds.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beautiful thoughts from my heart ...

What makes me happy is to experience the joyous environment when I get the bride ready for her special day.

Wishing you a Happy Journey and Blissful Marriage ahead ...

Picture Courtesy from my client
See Wei Bee.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Planning make-up for your wedding day

Although planning a wedding may be exciting and fun, it can also be very overwhelming and even a little scary. I am sure you have covered every single item hundreds of times from your venue, the photographer, your beautiful dress, food, flowers, etc all these things add up to the perfection of the big day. Have you thought about your make-up and why you need a make-up artist on your special day?

Choosing the right make-up artist is also very important someone who will listen to you, someone who has been working in the wedding industry who understands the pressure of dealing with emotions running wild on that day.

Your make-up is as important as the choice of gown, accessories, and your hair as they go hand in hand, the one cannot go without the other. All that you have left of the day are the memories and photos and I am sure you want them to be as perfect as the day was.

I personally always recommend a trial so that there are no surprises on the wedding day. This will give you an idea to chat with your make-up artist and show her your ideas, theme if there is one, colours of bridesmaids dresses, flowers etc. These all aids in the design of your make-up. You will also be able to wear the make-up for the day to see how it holds or if you re-act to any products which you can discuss with your make-up artist and make changes before the big day.

Make-up should only enhance you and since you are going to be photographed / or videotaped you want to make sure you look good. Make-up will help with that since the lighting / flash of the camera tends to wash people out. Make-up artist use photochromic make-up to ensure you achieve true colours in the photographs and videos, this will ensure that you will not have a ghostlike appearance on your photos.

Till our next chat.

Articles by Cicilia Kaufmann of
Photo curtesy by Cicilia Kaufman